Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Headlights (part 2) Setting

So now that the new headlight units are installed it's time to set the beam to ensure that you are getting the maximum out of the emitted light and not blinding oncoming traffic.

There is lot and lots of information online including detailed videos and instructions on how to do this.  I watched and read lots of them and they all generally say the same thing.  In summary this is what I did.

Step 1. Remove all cargo from the boot and interior of the car unless it is regularly carried.  It is recommended that the car has half a tank of fuel,

Step 2. On a flat level surface, drive the car square up to the garage wall,

Step 3. Using masking tape, make a vertical mark on the wall to locate the centre of the car, (This was made very easy by the Mercedes-Benz bonnet emblem)

Step 4. Make two further vertical marks on the wall, one at the centreline of each headlight.  If you measure the distance of these markings to either side of your car centreline, the measurements should be the same.  If not, recheck your measurements,

Step 5. Roll the car back slightly so you can get between it and the wall.  Using a measuring tape, measure the height of the centre of the light bulb from the ground.  Mark this height with a horizontal line on the wall.  Note it should makes a cross on the wall as it passes over the vertical headlight centreline made previously,

Step 6.  Move the car back 5metres from the wall ensuring it remains square with the garage wall,

Step 7. Turn on your main beam headlights.  The most intense light should be adjusted to focus on the cross you have made on the wall.  It is best to concentrate on one light at a time so cover the other with towel or blanket.  

I found by screwing up my eyes and squinting it made it easier to see where was the most intense light focus.

Step 8. Keeping in mind we are dealing with a RHD car, by switching the lights back to low beam, the light focus will drop approximately 75mm below the horizontal line on the wall and to the left of the vertical line, towards the pavement.

Step 9.  Repeat this process for the other headlight.

As I said before there is heaps of information on-line but this process worked for me.

Main beam turned on prior to adjustment.  The right hand side light was pretty good, but whilst the left was at a good height, the beam needed to be aimed further left to hit the marks made on the wall.

Low beam turned on prior to adjustment. As you can see the light focus drops to the required height but the left light is very far right of the vertical mark on the wall.

Main beam lights and lower fog lights on.  All working and set as required. All I needed to do now was fit the chrome trim and........

... take the car for a drive in the dark.  As you can see the spread of light in front of the car is even and illuminates the pavement ahead.  Job done!

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