Since Jade's departure on a trailer back at the end of November, I have slowly been selling off the parts I removed, which so far, have helped contribute to Leif's restoration.
Jades departure from the Tyro Workshop, sad!
Though it still makes me sad to have destroyed a C114, it gives me a lot a satisfaction knowing that Jade's sacrifice has helped so many fellow owners and enthusiasts, who are either restoring their beloved stroke 8's, or they have had the misfortune to have been in a accident, as was the case with Dylan G. who Lives in America.
After a tow truck reversed into his W115 smashing the headlights and damaging the grille and A/C radiator, Dylan seized the opportunity to change his American specification headlights to the European type, so Jade's headlights and grille set out via land and sea to America.
(It is worth noting Dylan's car is not an everyday driver, so he was happy to have right-hand drive headlights on his left-hand drive car.)
Dylan G's car in America waiting for Jade's Grille and Headlights
American Specification Stroke 8. Note the different bumper, headlights & side marker lights
Image from
UGU's Euro spec front end.
Not only has Jade's memory spread outside the greater Perth Metro area to America, but also Australia's East & South Coasts, Canada and Norway! I still have lots of parts left so who knows to what corners of the world Jade's memory will reach.
Brenton R. is another awesome guy who bought all of Jade's exterior chrome and fuel tank as he works to restore his 1970, W114 250C which he found abandoned under a Walnut Tree.
Under a Walnut Tree, alone and uncared for.
Note the original vinyl roof, nice!
All she needed was the right owner to give her new life. Well done Brenton!
Jade's chrome makes it safely to South Australia
There are many other great people that I have met so far and have sent Jade's parts to. I could go on all day about the; in particular, Kaleb with his W108 hearse; but to prevent me writing a lengthy essay I will just say thank you to all off you, you know who you are.
Only this week I received an enquiry from a fantastic chap in Norway called Gabriel, about Jade's indicator arm that I had advertised for sale. As tends to happen, we got chatting via Facebook and Gabriel introduced me to his fantastic stroke 8, and I cannot help but share my interest in "The Turtle Cruiser"!
Found in a terrible state in Oslo over 7 years ago, Gabriel paid scrap price for his then vandalised 1970 W114 Ambulance. Since then he and his family have lovingly restored it into the "Turtle Cruiser"
The Turtle Cruiser following an extensive restoration
This is no way to treat a veteran!
Love hearts and patchiness was definitely not standard issue paint work
Originally a military ambulance based in the arctic, north of Norway, she spend most of her life there. Despite the weather conditions I am told there was hardly any rust in the body, and with only 100,000km on the clock, the original 230 motor still remains post restoration.
Original motor still going strong
The restoration of such a unique vehicle I can only imagine would be very difficult and the end result is a credit to the owner. Gabriel tells me he has found it impossible to source replacement back doors and tail lights, so, if any of you reading this can help please get in contact.
Ongoing restoration, but back on the road and looking large!
I will finish by saying that the Turtle Cruiser is by far one of the most unique Stroke 8's I have ever seen, and what makes me smile is that she sports a Land Rover roof rack, haha - that one's for you Leif!